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Some Say It's For Lovers, United States

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Need It

I need a Dr. Pepper like I need a computer to do my job.

I don't drink coffee or diet drinks. I can't stand the taste of them. I don't have a headache from the lack of caffeine, I am just going through withdrawals.

I think about Dr. Pepper every second. I crave the taste. I try to convince myself that just a little taste will do. I know it will not, I will want the whole bottle.

I drink 96+ ounces of water day. I should be able to have just one little ole Dr. Pepper.

At this point, I am willing to without food for a Dr. Pepper. It has been almost 3 days since I have tasted the sweet nectar of the Gods.

I need it.

****Can I get a hell yeah? Not for the redneck women, but for the $200.00 mistake (in my favor) I found in my check book. I balance my check book EVERYDAY, yet somehow missed this. That's what I get for paying a ton of crap off. ****

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