Go away.
I've disliked you from the first time I ever met you. But my best friend was in love with you.
I even stood beside her when she married you.
I've been there through it all and as each day passes I hate you more and more.
You are damned lucky that you don't like even closer. But remember, 4 hours is close enough for me to drive there and kick your ass.
You have broken her heart, destroyed her spirit and ruined her thrill for life.
You're a bastard. A lying, cheating piece of filth. You disgust me in every sense.
You are not worthy of her and you never have been.
The only thing that makes me completely sad is that you have a daughter who worships the ground you walk on. HOW dare you treat her mother that way? Is that the way you want your daugther to think that men should treat women?
Maybe you should just go the F*uck away. If murder were legal I would be changing your name to Earl.
1 comment:
So you're saying you don't like this guy?
In all seriousness, I have been in your shoes. My sister's husband cheated on her and it left her broken. The only thing that will help your friend is you being there for her and lots of time. It has been 3 years and my sister is finally back to herself. Good luck, its a rough road ahead.
Oh, I punched her lying, cheating husband across the face. It felt amazing.
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