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Some Say It's For Lovers, United States

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nice Job Mel

A few weeks ago my BFF came to visit me. I had to drive two hours to meet her halfway as she was roadtripping with some friends.

Anyway. At the random backwoods exit we met at there was a little yeehaw mart (as I like to call them). We went inside and took it all in. We are both from little places so it was kinda like home for us.

Of course, like smart women we used the facilities before getting back on the road. Once in the bathroom I noticed there were about SIX machines on the wall. Everything from perfume/cologne, tattoos, lubes and of course condoms.

Now, the condom machine also had those little plastic things you place on him to give women pleasure...wait...I am not that kind of girl....ummm I'm not sure what they were.

I was trying to get this glow in the dark flavored condom, but ended up with some random one that wasn't quite as interesting. I still kept it as a joke. I jumped in the truck with the BFF and headed home. I put the condom in the change tray and she said "you better take that out of there before THE Husband comes home or he is going to freak."

Guess who came home last night?

Guess who was driving his truck this morning and called me and said "WHY IS THERE A CONDOM IN MY TRUCK?"

Nice Job Mel.


mCat said...

Well played. But at least Hubby is home

So@24 said...

I missed an email from you? Whaa??

Totally unintentional! Resend! Resend!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Keep him wondering.