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Some Say It's For Lovers, United States

Thursday, May 31, 2012


What a busy life we all lead these days. One of my favorite bloggers has said goodbye to the blogging world to move on to the rest of his life, some of my other favorites barely write anymore and then there is me. Each day I think to myself, I should blog about that, and then what do I do? NOTHING. Shame on me. Last weekend, on Saturday to be exact, I had the opportunity to go to a dinner for Gold Star Families. My friend Renee was in town from Texas and she is a Gold Star Widow. We used to be stationed together in Hawaii in the Marine Corps back in the day. She and her husband Matt had their beautiful marriage cut short just mere months after they were married and 5 weeks after there tiny daughter came into this world. That was 11 years ago on the 15th of this month. Thanks to her and this dinner, I was introduced to quite a few other great women. Each othe their stories so very different. Widows from the Army, the National Guard, the Marine Corps, the Navy, etc. I laughed, I cried, I shuddered, I shook my head and I memorialized these young men with the women who loved them the most (besides their Mamas of course). I feel so honored to have been welcomed into their circle of friends even though I cannot imagine their pain. Memorial Day was again another day that I looked at even more differently than I ever had before. I've lost friend in Iraq and Afghanistan and I've mourned their deaths but that day, I celebrated the lives of such amazing men. So, Matt, Howie, Earl and Tico, rest in peace gentlemen, your amazing wives are carrying on for you.