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Some Say It's For Lovers, United States

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Out of Control

My niece is not just a bad kid, she is out of control.

My Mom would love to put her in a reform type program but have any of you ever checked into those kinds of places?

Anywhere from $2,500+ A MONTH. In whose world do most of the families that have the bad ass kids like my niece have that kind of money?

The state is so "afraid" of putting her in the system (sending her to juvenile) that they make empty threats and she knows it.

Yesterday, by direction of child services and the local law enforcement, my brother reported her as a runaway because she has been gone since THURSDAY NIGHT. SHE IS 14. YES 14.

She doesn't go to school, when she does, she fights and gets suspended. She thinks that she is a grown up. She smokes, drinks, does drugs and I'm 99% sure is having sex.

Let me add that she is a pathological liar and according to the State Shrink is bi-polar and has ADHD.

My brother is a worthless piece of crap and their Mother is just as bad as him. My Mom tried to do what she could when the opportunity came for her to step in, but by that time, the damage was done. She has done everything she knows to do and has gotten NO WHERE.

My niece hangs out in the projects. The neighborhood is so bad, that the cops told my Mother that even if she did call for a ride home to NOT go into the neighborhood to get her, allow the police department to do so. She has already been given TWO trespassing tickets for being in another projects and is NOT allowed to be there.

When I talk to her, she is all Yes Ma'm, No Ma'm, I'm sorry, I promise I will be good, I promise I will be better etc etc. My Mom told me to not believe a word that comes out of her mouth.

I want to believe that she is fixable. That she needs stability and to see a life outside of drugs, crime and the crap that not only did I grow up in but she is now growing up in.

I'm almost 1,000 miles away. I want to drive down there and snatch her up and lock her in a room but I know that is not the answer. I'm sad and heartbroken that my only niece is becoming the kind of kid that I see on TV that makes me shudder and think "what happened to her." Or worse, one day I am going to get the phone call to identify the body.


mCat said...

Caaarraaap! Sadly, I know too much how it feels. I still cringe when the phone rings at night, and wonder not if, but when I will get the call that my son is dead or in jail. God only knows what will happen to his daughter who is being raised by an equally crazy person. It is so hard to feel so helpless. My heart goes out to you!!

Melissa Blake said...

I'm so sorry! There is a girl in my church who is in a similar situation. It's so sad and sometimes you just don't know what to do.

Hang in there!

*Just Jen* said...

Wow, sorry to hear this! I had a friend go through this with her 13 year old daughter. The only thing she thought she could do other than to take her to juvie was to quit her job and home-school her. She keeps her eyes on her at all times. She has barred the windows so she can't sneak out. It's sad, really sad. I'm sorry your family is having to deal with this.