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Some Say It's For Lovers, United States

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Whole Bunch Of

That is what I am going to be doing this weekend. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

As soon as I leave work today, I am going to sit in traffic, which is normal everyday occurence. After I get out of traffic and hit the homestead, the dog and I are going for a nice walk.

Then, I am going to go into the house, take a nice hot shower, put on my PJ's and sit my happy ass down on the couch with the DVR remote, a nice bottle of wine, some food and let the vegging out start.

This will repeat for two days. Saturday and Sunday. I will make sure that I get my to do list finished, which includes, changing the litter box, finishing the laundry and tidying up the house and I will fit in my daily workout, make sure that the dog gets plenty of paws on the ground outside time but other than that, NO PLANS.

And I am happy about that. I have a lot of shows recorded and a bunch of books that can be read.

Happy NOTHING weekend. I rarely get them and I am going to take advantage of it.


***If I change my mind, I have a list of places I have been invited.*** I'm not a complete loser.

12 days until The Husband comes home. Sheesh, he's been gone for a month and a half.


mCat said...

Oh how I wish for a weekend of NOTHING. Enjoy double for me!

Carrieann said...

Can I come? Oh wait, I have to work. Darn.