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Some Say It's For Lovers, United States

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What Effing Time Is It?

Okay, so I am sick of the different time zone thing. When I lived in Hawaii, I would have to remember how far ahead New York was so I could call my friends at a decent hour (unless it was New Years and then I KNEW when it was midnight they were already in sweet passed out slumber). Then I had to remember how far ahead Florida was to call my Mom. And don't even get me started on the difference in time between Hawaii and Okinawa and Australia. Oh yeah and Hawaii doesn't have daylight savings time. For the love of baby Jesus.

THEN I moved back to Virginia. My Mom is in Florida and one hour behind me because she is in the Panhandle. That goes for my in laws as well. My boss is in South Dakota so he is an hour behind me. Then Corporate is in Alaska. They are 4 hours behind us right now.

So, when I get an e-mail from someone in Corporate who I am trying to make a last minute project setup meeting request with, I am planning on Alaska time. How in the hell is she going to e-mail me and tell me that she is in Texas and needs it on CST? Damn it woman.

The meeting is 2pm my time EST. You and the rest of the people can figure out what time that is to you and be there. Got it?


mCat said...

Wait, you lived in Hawaii? Color me green with envy

*Just Jen* said...

What part of AK is your corporate office in? I'm from Anchorage!